Marine Service Poland is a leading provider
of completent and experienced personnel for the shipping industry.
The MSP maintains its own of some 2,000
senior officers, officers and ratings to meet virtually any manning requirment
whether individuals, teams or complete crews.
We belive that manning continuity is an
essential element in the safety and effectivenes of ship operation. Depending on client requirment, crews can be
sourced from Polish nationalities.
We have experience and expertise in dealing
with seafaring unions both at national and international level and with various
regulatory authorities, enabling us to advise owners or clients on the
suitability and encouraged to identify themselves with the client and his
particular requirements.
All candidates must comply with the
full requirements of the STCW convention as a minimum and be fully qualified to
meet their respective rank.The MSP makes extensive use of computerised testing
procedures to assist with the initial selection.
Our concern for staff extends beyond
requiring them to meet strict ILO pre employment medical standards. Our pro-ative
ensures that we meet our quality standards. Prior to and during employment drugs
and alkohol testing is undertaking, hepatitis assessement and immunisation are
provided as appropriate.
Our medical standard are set by NIS
consultans. Shore based medical support facilities are